Saturday, November 15, 2008

Week 4 #9 Feed Searchers

Feedster has left the planet. A shame I used it last time and found it more helpful. I did check out the top blogs in Technorati. I found Gizmodo which talks about Tech tools in general. Kind of helps you see the big picture. Technorati leads you to blogs via the keyword search but by clicking on the tags for blogs that look good, you get to more relevant choices. Kind of like subject headings in the databases we search. Well, I'm learning. Still too many things to read and too little time to read them.

Week 4 #8 RSS feeds

Okay, I have been looking at my feeds for over a year now. Unfortunately, I was one of those people who added way to many. I find myself deleting and starting fresh all too often. Today I spent time deleting and rearranging into different folders. Hopefully if I miss one, I can go back and pick it up again in the future.

I have found it useful in monitoring my wiki and its uses. The students I have introduced it to, prefer email alerts.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Week 3 #7 Technology Thoughts

Talked with our seniors this week. I was trying to convince them to not redo their research next semester but to set up an RSS reader or email alerts with their refined search results. I have some takers but mostly they give me that look like I'm from Mars. Maybe I'd like to visit but not set up camp.

Week 3 Flickr 6 Montager

This is so utterly lovely but I have no idea how it would ever be useful except to make one smile. But perhaps that is enough :)

Blog buddies

Just so I don't forget, Miriam is Booklover, Cheri is Surfergirl.

Week 3 - 5: More Flickr - Walk Your Way into Autumn

Walk Your Way into Autumn
Originally uploaded by buteijn
This is the road I'd like to be traveling on. How perfectly fall.

Week 3 Flickr: Norman High School Library

I love this old photo. The classic look of delight with a new technology. I feel the same way when I get a docucamera to work or learn something new about my smartboard.