Monday, January 7, 2008

Thing 7 - Technology Oriented post

After briefly looking over the "Horizon Report" I was most interested in the way technologies are used and accepted by youth today. The fact that cell phones are used for so many vital teen activities is something that our high school students have made me extremely aware. However, at our school site access to cell phones is prohibited during school hours. Somehow it seems we are going against the tide and it would behoove us to look at why we are restricting and whether the total ban should be rethought. I realize that plagiarism, copying and cheating are issues that need to be addressed but is the ban on this 'vital' technology the answer.


IrmaPince said...

They could be used in a variety of educational ways, however the distraction attraction seems to outweigh the benefits in the minds of most administrators. That is unfortunately true with many of the tools in this tutorial as well.

Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Why not edit your post and add a link to the Horizon Report?

Best wishes.

librarymum said...

You might want to check out a page on the calcurriculum wiki for "Cell Phones in Education." I posted some links to articles shared by one of our fearless leaders, Jackie, on her blog 2CoolTools.

It seems to me that we all need to learn to use these tools, and then we can be better advocates for their use at school. I'm sure we will talking about this for a long time, especially as we continue to encounter more "new things."

Librarymum of PageSpace