Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I am so surprised that people are actually reading this blog. I signed on to resume work on Library 2.0 and lo and behold there were actually comments on my blog. Thank you all for taking the time to provide feedback, especially in terms of the Horizon Report. I was asked to give the link for the report. Here is the Horizon's wiki where you can access the current as well as past reports: http://horizon.nmc.org/wiki/Main_Page/
I am glad to finally have some time to get back to exploring Library 2.0 and actually thinking about what I do and why. Most of my day to day school experiences are spent just pushing ahead with all the classes, reports and administration that a large school library requires. I so much enjoy this time with Library 2.0 and the opportunity to explore the new ideas and exchanges coming about thanks to Library 2.0. Thank you CSLA for the push.

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