Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Thing 11: igoogle, wetpaint, and widgits

I have a gmail account so setting up a igoogle page was great. Now if I could just figure out how to incorporate my RSS feeds onto the page, I will be all set. But that is for another day.
Also, took a look at wikis. I currently use pbwiki but cannot afford the upgrade to allow more visuals. I took a look at wetpaint and liked the templates and setup but not the advertisement. I do not think it would work in an educational setting, some of the ads were a bit out there for a school wiki. Finally, I looked at widgits on Yourminis but could not figure out how to load them to my desktop. Maybe tomorrow.


TroyJMorris said...

Educational wikis are free of advertising at wetpaint.

Also, if you subscribe to any RSS feed, subscribe with Google. Then up pops a page asking if you want to use your homepage (igoogle) or Google Reader.

IrmaPince said...

You have done a lot of exploring. As you have indicated, all of these will take a second look so that you can get a bit more familiar with them. Some you may decide to discard and others will become daily companions. It is all up to you! Enjoy.

MS. PHStl said...

Troyjmorris -- Thank you for the ideas about the google rss feed service. I now just need to transfer my bloglines over. I tried to set up an educational wiki in wetpaint but still see all the ads. Am I doing something wrong? Can you help? I would email you separately but cannot track down your email address.

TroyJMorris said...


Visit http://wikisineducation.wetpaint.com/ and glance around at what the education wikis at wetpaint can do.

Also, to get the ads removed from an educational wiki at wetpaint, you need to email education at wetpaint dot com with the school name, address, wiki intentions, and wiki URL. It's then put into a queue and removed after looking at it. This usually happens within 48 hours.

MS. PHStl said...

Thank you again TroyJ for your time and expertise Will do on the wetpaint. Do you have a preference in terms of wiki providers?